Amazing places from fairy tales and fiction that actually exist
Rachel Truman
22 October 2020
Legendary landscapes
Frank Fischbach/Shutterstock
Hannibal, Missouri, USA
Patrick Jennings/Shutterstock
Dartmoor, Devon, England, UK
Lauterbrunnen Valley, Switzerland
Gaspar Janos/Shutterstock
Mount Olympus, Greece
Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire, England, UK
Mourne Mountains, County Down, Northern Ireland, UK
Dawid K Photography/Shutterstock
Troy, Turkey
Sergei Afanasev/Shutterstock
Riquewihr, Alsace, France
Pawel Kazmierczak/Shutterstock
Bran Castle, Romania
Lucian BOLCA/Shutterstock
Whitby Abbey, Yorkshire, England, UK
Neal Rylatt/Shutterstock
The Yorkshire Moors, England, UK
peter Jeffreys/Shutterstock
Castle Frankenstein, Germany
IURII BURIAK/Shutterstock
Ashdown Forest, England, UK
King’s Cross Station, England, UK
Elizabeth Collins/Shutterstock
Tintagel, England, UK
Gary Perkin/Shutterstock
Hill Top Farm, England, UK
National Trust Images/James Dobson
Unst, Scotland, UK
Evgeniy Kurochkin/Shutterstock
Gozo, Malta
Sofia Gracia Porta/Shutterstock
The Cyclopean Isles, Sicily, Italy
Serge Yatunin/Shutterstock
Eilean Shona, Scotland, UK
James Bedford/Eilean Shona
Long Island, New York, USA
Hamelin, Germany
Kerala, India
Shylesh kumar/Shutterstock
Slepe Heath, England, UK
Helen Hotson/Shutterstock
The Old Cataract Hotel, Egypt
Maienfeld, Switzerland
Cartagena, Colombia
Luis Inacio P Prado/Shutterstock
Svalbard, Norway
Sababurg Castle, Germany
Angela Rohde/Shutterstock
Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany
Frank Fischbach/Shutterstock
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